Can I stop a parking session?

Parking session deactivation can be done by phone, mobile app, or on our website - IF your parking authority allows for this.

You can stop your parking session–– If you are in a zone where you start the session and are given an automatic deactivation time without choosing the amount of time you want or agreeing in advance to the total parking charge. You should always stop your parking session in areas where this is allowed so that you will be charged correctly. If you fail to stop your parking transaction when you leave, you will be charged the amount associated with the actual duration of your parking session. Parking sessions do not run indefinitely and have an automatic stop time which is determined by the parking operator in your area, and provided to you upon starting your session. In some cases, this stop time indicates the maximum time that you allowed to park in your zone. In other cases, this stop time represents the time in which rates change or in which you are required to pay for additional time in your zone. Please refer to local signage regarding the rates and maximum durations allowed in your location.

You cannot stop your parking session–– If you park in a zone where you must select the amount of time for the session and are required to agree to the total parking charge in advance. However, if you do not leave the area when you reach the maximum time limit for that zone or space (e.g., 1 or 2 hours), you run the risk of receiving a citation, wheel boot, or having your car towed (depending on your local parking authority's enforcement practices). Policies for maximum legal parking periods vary by location and are usually shown in your parking area or on your meter.

For parking session information specific to your city, please visit the Parking Area Specific Info articles in our Help Center, and search there for your city name.


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