How do I add a license plate number to my account using the Parkmobile website?

You can have up to five vehicles on your ParkMobile account. You can add a vehicle to your account in your Personal Pages, mobile app, or mobile web. The instructions for adding vehicles within your Personal Pages are shown below, but note that adding a license plate number within the mobile apps varies by app (iPhone, Android, or mobile web). In most cases though, visit the Settings within the app, then select Vehicles or Vehicle Management.

Please note that while you are able to add vehicles to your account using the mobile apps, you can only link the vehicles to a user on your account via your Personal Pages.

Using your Personal Pages:

*Enter a valid license plate number (LPN) in order to avoid a parking citation later on when you go to park.

1. Sign in to your Personal Pages

2. From the left navigation list, click Vehicles. The Vehicles page appears.

3. In the License Plate Number field, enter the plate number for the new vehicle. Do not use spaces or special characters when entering the license plate number.

4. Select the state in which this license plate is registered.

5. If you have more than one user on this account, select the user associated with this vehicle.

6. Click Add.

To link a vehicle to a user on your account:

1. Sign in to your Personal Pages

2. From the left navigation list, click Vehicles. The Vehicles page appears.

3. Click Link a user located to the right of the license plate number that you would like to link.

4. Click one or more users from the list, and then click add.

Click the expanding (>) icon aligned with each license plate number to ensure that the user is linked to the LPN.


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