How do I add another user or phone number to my account?

You can have up to five (5) users on one Parkmobile account. You can associate each user with a unique license plate number or select an existing license plate on your account, but each user must have a unique phone number and email address.

To add another user or phone number to your account you must log into your account from your ParkMobile Personal Pages at

1. Sign in to your Personal Pages (see What are Personal Pages?).

2. From the left navigation list, click Users. The Accounts page appears.

3. Click Add new account. The Related Account Details page appears.

4. Enter the user's first and last name, 10-digit phone number, and email address.

5. In the Vehicle section, either enter a new license plate number or select an existing number from the list, and then click Add next to the corresponding option.

6. Click Save.

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