Why am I being prompted to enter a new or different credit card number?

If you are prompted to enter a new or different credit card, either your current credit card expired or is no longer accepting charges, or you have an outstanding balance due on your Parkmobile account. Enter a valid form of payment to re-enable your account (which will also charge your outstanding balance if you have one). Note: the outstanding balance is only possible if you park in an area where you don't have to agree in advance to a certain dollar amount for your parking transaction, as you must complete your transaction first in order for us to know how much to charge you. If this is the case in your area and you had a charge which then did not successfully process, it would remain on your account until you update your payment method so we can attempt the charge again.

To change your credit card on file, you can log in to your account at www.parkmobile.com with your username and password. Click 'Payment Method' on the left-navigation menu and then ‘Manage Credit Cards’. Next, click ‘Edit Card’. After adding the new card details to your primary credit card, click ‘Submit’.

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