BlackBerry App

Over the past year we have been evaluating our mobile strategy to learn how to better serve our members. We've been looking at app usage, customer feedback and many other metrics to understand where to focus our efforts to have the maximum impact on our customers. Through this research we have decided to end active support for the native apps on the BlackBerry platforms.

We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our current BlackBerry users, however do know we will be continually improving our Mobile Website (which is practically identical to the native BlackBerry app) to provide a better Parkmobile experience for you. It is simply a website version of our system, formatted for use on smaller, mobile devices. You'll use the same username and password to login to the mobile web app as you would any other app or your Personal Pages. The URL for the mobile web version is:

You can also use our service by dialing the number for the automated voice response system which is found on Parkmobile signage and stickers in your parking area. When you dial in, the system will recognize you by the mobile number associated with your account and will guide you through the prompts to start parking quickly and easily.

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