How To Solve Error "Couldn't install on USB storage or SD card"

When installing the Parkmobile app for Android, you may receive the error "Couldn't install on USB storage or SD card".

While we are unable to diagnose this issue (as it relates specifically to your device), we have heard from a number of customers that resolved the issue by following these steps:

1. Go to Settings and click on Storage
2. Scroll down to where you have Unmount SD card and tap on it.
3. Now go back to the Play Store to download the app again. This time, the app should download successfully.
4. After app is installed, you can go back to the Storage settings and tap Mount SD card
5. After mounting, you can move application to SD card if it’s possible.

This solution may be temporary, so the problem may re-appear again later. If it does re-appear, you may need to perform the operation again.

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