Does Parkmobile respond to social media inquiries?

Please feel free to visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. While we will attempt to assist on Social Media channels for simple questions or issues, please note that many matters cannot be resolved on these channels. Most issues require far more detail than is possible or able to be supplied on social media. It is also our policy to respect the privacy of information shared with us.

A tweet or post may appear to be convenient for some, but not all issues can be resolved with a limited number of characters. Additionally, we simply do not have the ability to resolve all matters with limited information. Our Member Services team is happy to assist you with any issues you might encounter while using our service. Please note that our team is better equipped to manage your written support requests. Parkmobile dedicates numerous resources to this support channel, and your inquiry will be handled in the most efficient way possible if you choose to submit via email, the help options in our mobile app, or in our online support system. Before submitting your inquiry, please take a minute to browse our Help Center by clicking here. We value your time, and strive to provide you with the answers you're looking for in the best way possible. 

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