Alhambra Coral Gables, FL -Zone Number (83101)

ParkMobile is a pay-by-phone parking solution and certain information varies depending on your location. Note that the information in this article is ONLY for the parking areas operated by 220 Alhambra in Coral Gables, FL where ParkMobile is offered. 

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Transaction Fees

Where Will Payment Appear?

Zone Numbers

Phone Number

Payment Methods

Session Management

Citation/Parking Operator Info


Transaction Fees (based on Membership Level):

There is no cost to register with us or to download one of our mobile apps. The transaction fees charged when you initiate a parking session are in addition to the regularly charged parking fees for your area. The transaction fee in this location is $0.55 and $0.25 for the ParkMobile wallet. 

How Will Enforcement Officers Know That I've Paid? Will My Payment Show on the Meter?

ParkMobile payments do not integrate with the meters in this area. While your payment will not show on the meter, the officer will use your license plate number, zone numbers (and space numbers, where applicable) to view your ParkMobile payment on a handheld device. 

Zone Number Information and Range:

Zone numbers are a critical part of your transaction and must be recorded correctly in order for your parking session to be identified correctly by the parking enforcement officers. Zone numbers can vary by area. You MUST identify your ParkMobile zone number from the ParkMobile signage located in your parking lot.

In the parking areas in Coral Gables, FL where ParkMobile is offered the zone number is 83101.

Area-Specific ParkMobile Phone Number:

N/A due to ticket takeover. Phone number on SID and reflected on signage/stickers. 

Payment Methods Accepted:

The credit cards accepted in your area are: Visa, Master Card, Discover Card, American Express, JCB, PayPal, and ParkMobile Wallet.

Can transactions in zones in this area be stopped? Extended? Why or why not?

You can stop a session early if you do not need the entire time available, and you will be charged the appropriate parking fee for the time used, according to the rate structure in your area. If you do not stop your session early it will automatically expire at the time noted when you started the session.

These parking sessions can't be extended. If you need additional time beyond what is available when you start the session, you can create a new session once the initial one ends, or you can stop the initial session early and start a new one to get a new automatic deactivation time (this is the best choice for avoiding any gaps in paid parking coverage.)

What do I do if I get a parking citation in this area?

ParkMobile does not own, operate, manage or enforce the parking areas. We don’t issue tickets and we can’t remove them for you. We can provide you with the contact information for your parking authority, if you don’t have it, so you can contact them to begin your dispute.

To dispute a citation, follow the instructions on the ticket, using your ParkMobile receipt where necessary.

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