How to Detect Invalid Invoice Emails

Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their approach to gain access to your bank accounts and personal information. But if you know what to look for, you’ll be less likely to become a victim. One recent attempt is claiming that your ParkMobile account has expired. While the credit card connected to your ParkMobile account may expire, your ParkMobile account will not. There is no $349.99, 5-year auto-renewal plan as the scammers are claiming.


That is the first clue, but here are some other ways to determine if you’re being scammed.

Always locate the email address of the sender. In most cases, such as this one, the email address will be an invalid Gmail account with dozens of different numbers and letters. If ParkMobile is trying to contact you, it will come from a valid email address.

Check the spelling of ParkMobile. At first glance, you can recognize a scammer by their spelling of ParkMobile. These phishing emails are spelling it, “Park Mobile”, with a space between Park and Mobile. That is incorrect as it is one word.

Do not respond to the email or contact the phone numbers provided. If you have received an email like this, please avoid contacting the numbers provided. In this case, they are 1(810) 378 0315 or 1(810)584 5551.

Monitor your credit cards and bank accounts for fraudulent or unrecognizable charges. Do not submit a payment if requested. Ensure there hasn’t been any suspicious activity on your account.

If you have other questions or concerns regarding potential scammers or similar emails, you can reach out to our Customer Care team at 877-727-5457.

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