ParkMobile is a pay by phone parking solution and certain information varies depending on your location. Note that the information in this article is ONLY for the parking areas in Margate City, NJ operated by Margate City where ParkMobile is offered.
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Citation/Parking Operator Info
Transaction Fees:
There is no cost to register with us or to download one of our mobile apps. The transaction fees charged when you initiate a parking session are in addition to the regularly charged parking fees for your area. Transaction fees vary based on which level of membership you choose. View our Memberships article to learn more about the different membership levels.
The transaction fees for this area are as follows:
Basic Membership –$0.30
ParkMobilePro Membership – $0.30
Corporate Membership - $0.30
How Will Enforcement Officers Know That I've Paid? Will My Payment Show on the Meter?
ParkMobile is the only payment option in this area. ParkMobile payments do not integrate with the meters in this area. While your payment will not show on the meter, the officer will use your zone number license plate and space number to view your Parkmobile payment on a handheld device.
Zone Number Information and Range:
Zone numbers are a critical part of your transaction and must be recorded correctly in order for your parking session to be identified correctly by the parking enforcement officers. Zone numbers vary by lot or meter. You MUST identify your ParkMobile zone number from the green ParkMobile signage located in your parking lot.
In the parking areas in Margate Cty, NJ operated by Margate City, NJ the zone number is 70201.
Area Specific ParkMobile Phone Number:
The ParkMobile toll-free phone number to reach the automated system to register and/or start or extend your parking sessions is: 1-877-727-5304. If you are parking in Margate City, NJ and call any other ParkMobile phone number you will be at risk parking in a zone in the wrong geographical area and the parking officers in your area wouldn't see your parking payment in that case.
Credit Cards Accepted:
The payment methods accepted in your area are: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal and ParkMobile Wallet.
Can transactions in zones in this area be stopped? Extended? Why or why not?
You can not stop a session once started. You must select the amount of time you want in advance and pay for that time with your credit card. If you chose more time than you needed, you will not be able to stop the session or get a refund.
You are able to extend your parking time, if you see that you need more than the amount you initially paid for, as long as you haven't already chosen the maximum allowed. In order to extend a transaction it must still be active and not yet expired. Example: if the maximum is 1 hour, and you chose 10 minutes, you can then extend your session before it expires for up to an additional 50 minutes. Note that extensions are separate transactions, and therefore each extension carries a transaction fee as well.
What do I do if I get a parking citation in this area?
ParkMobile does not own, operate, manage or enforce the parking areas. We don’t issue tickets and we can’t remove them for you. We can provide you with the contact information for your parking authority, if you don’t have it, so you can contact them to begin your dispute. You can use your parking receipt from your Personal Pages to include with your dispute.
To dispute a citation, follow the instructions on the ticket or call 864-232-7312. You can log on to your Personal Pages to obtain a receipt for your parking session. You can also provide payment to OPERATOR INFO. If towed, please contact the tow company directly. The contact information for TOW COMPANY is TOW INFO.
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