How do I apply a Promotion Code to my account?

The Promotion Code option is a new functionality that we are excited to offer! As a Parkmobile member, you'll be able to claim one promotion at a time for any type of parking or transaction discount, but you can also have one membership promotion associated to your account at any time. One of the really cool features is that we will allow promotional details to be embedded within QR codes where users can scan the code to obtain the link to collect and claim a promotion. Anytime a parking operator is ready to run a promotion, they will provide us with a code or post the promotional code on the Parkmobile signage. You'll just enter that information before staring a parking session. After you've successfully applied a Promotion Code to your account, you will see the discount on your next qualifying parking session. 

A Promotion Code can be added during registration in the Parkmobile app for iPhone and Android, our mobile web app, and when registering online at If you've already registered, you can enter the code in the iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry (OS 10) apps. A code can also be entered in your Personal Pages at or in our mobile web app. After the code is entered, it can be redeemed using any method. This means you can also use our automated phone system or the Windows app to start your discounted parking session.

Adding a Promotion Code during registration:

When registering via the iPhone or Android apps, tap the box that says, 'Have a Promotion Code?'. Manually enter the Promotion Code or tap 'Scan Promotion QR-Code'. After entering or scanning the Promotion Code, the app will apply the code to your account. 

iPhone App:





Android App:







When registering via the mobile web app, enter the details required to initiate the registration process. Next, click the box that says, 'I have a promotion code I want to use' and click 'Submit'. Finally, manually enter the Promotion Code. After entering a valid Promotion Code, the mobile web app will apply the code to your account. 


When registering online at, enter the details required to initiate the registration process. On the same page, manually enter the Promotion Code and click 'Next'. After entering a valid Promotion Code, the system will apply the code to your account. 


Adding a Promotion Code to your registered account:

To add the Promotion Code using a supported mobile app, sign into your existing account via the iPhone, Android, or BlackBerry (OS 10) app. Tap the 'Settings' menu and choose 'Promotion Codes'. Tap the plus sign located in the top right corner of the screen to add a new Promotion Code. Manually enter the Promotion Code or tap 'Scan Promotion QR-Code'. After entering or scanning the Promotion Code, the app will apply the code to your account. While the BlackBerry app offers slightly different functionality, you will still visit the Settings menu to add the Promotion Code. 

iPhone App:

Codes13.PNG     Codes14.PNG                                                                                     Codes15.PNG





Android App:

 Codes.PNG    Codes3.PNG                                                                                      Codes2.PNG


To add the Promotion Code using the mobile web app, sign into your existing account via the mobile web app. Tap 'Settings' and then 'Promotions'. Finally, manually enter the Promotion Code and tap 'Check'. After entering a valid Promotion Code, the mobile web app will apply the code to your account.

Codes9.PNG                                           Codes10.PNG                                                                                                            Codes11.PNG


To add the Promotion Code online, sign into your Personal Pages at Click 'Promotions' under the 'Management' heading. Manually enter the Promotion Code and click 'Submit'. After entering a valid Promotion Code, the system will apply the code to your account. 



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