Push Notifications in iPhone app

Allowing push notifications in the iPhone app will turn off/override SMS notifications. Email alert preferences will go unchanged, unless you manually change them in your Personal Pages.

To turn on push notifications you'll need to 'allow' Parkmobile to send you push notifications (prompted when you download the app) or you can go into your Parkmobile app settings on your phone to turn push notifications on at a later time (see the attached screenshots to view an example of how to adjust your notification settings).

To turn ON push notifications:

1) Go to your iPhone's 'Settings'.

2) Choose 'Notifications' from the list.

3) Choose 'Parkmobile' from the list.

4) Toggle "Allow Notifications" to the On position (will appear in green rather than gray.) Choose which alert style you prefer. You can also choose how you want the notifications to appear in your phone's Notification Center as well.

5) Open your Parkmobile app and log in. 

To turn OFF push notifications:

1) Go to your iPhone's 'Settings'.

2) Choose 'Notifications'.

3) Choose 'Parkmobile' from the list.

4) Toggle "Allow Notifications" to the Off position (will appear in gray rather than green.)  Notice that turning off "Allow Notifications" will remove the notifications/alert settings from the area below since they would now not be applicable.  **Changing the "Show in Notification Center" settings does NOT turn off Push Notifications, it merely changes how the notifications appear.

5) To change the way the Parkmobile push notifications work on your phone, you can choose 'Banners' or 'Alerts', whichever you prefer.

6) Open your Parkmobile app and log in.

Again, if you turn off your push notifications, you are automatically turning back on the SMS notifications. If you wish to adjust them, visit your Personal Pages and click 'Alerts & Messages'.

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