I received a parking ticket or violation after I paid. What do I do?

If you received a ticket or other penalty, please check your transaction to ensure that the license plate, zone number, space number (if applicable), and time of the transaction, corresponds with the information listed on the ticket. You can view your parking history by logging in to your account in our mobile app or at www.parkmobile.com. Follow the instructions listed on the ticket.

If you do not have a session active at the time you were ticketed, it is possible that you didn't confirm the transaction in order to start it. It is important to wait for a confirmation message to ensure your parking has started. When using the mobile website a message will appear indicating your parking session has started. When using the mobile apps, a similar message will appear, along with a countdown timer. When using the IVR (by phone call), the message will state, "Your parking session has started."

Even if you received a ticket when you had a valid parking session, you must contact the parking authority. Parkmobile does not own, operate, manage, or enforce the parking areas. We do not issue parking penalties and we cannot review or remove them for you. We can confirm your session and payment but you must reach out to the parking authority for any ticket dispute or review.


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